Blameless Reliability Scholarship for Computer Science
At Blameless, we believe that the foundation of reliability lies in people. Behind every accessible website, stable service, and swiftly-resolved incident is a team of well-trained and resilient human beings. We want to do our part in bringing the next generation of those humans up to speed. With this goal in mind, we’re proud to announce the Blameless Reliability Scholarship!
Eligibility and Application Deadline
We’re looking for current and prospective computer science and engineering students in the U.S. who plan on specializing in incident management, reliability engineering, or SRE. They can apply to win one of two $2500 scholarships towards their tuition. Apply by May 30, 2023 to be eligible.
Application details and full terms and conditions can be found at:
Your application essay for the Blameless scholarship
We’re asking every applicant to submit a 400 to 800 word essay with the subject “How Resilience Empowers”. We believe resilience is an important quality in every walk of life. To highlight this, we’re open to hearing stories about your schooling and career thus far, your hobbies, your personal life, or even stories about others that you believe exemplify the value of resilience.
It isn’t about having the most tear-jerking, inspirational, or impactful story. Instead, we want to focus on how you see resilience enhancing your decision-making, perspective, and capability. So what is resilience, exactly? We talk about adapting to challenges and preparing for new ones, but it’s a lot more than that. It can be about empathy, openness, practicality, codification, collaboration, and way more. We chose this topic because we’re excited to see all the ways resilience emerges in many lives.
Please submit your essay and other details to blameless.com/scholarships by May 30, 2023!
How education helps you handle incidents
Handling incidents reliability is all about proactively preparing to react. Incidents are inevitable, and as services evolve and customer expectations increase, you’ll have to deal with unexpected types of problems. Getting an education is a great first step in developing the critical thinking and problem solving skills needed to tackle novel incidents.
Although every organization’s architecture and tool stack is unique, these skills will carry over anywhere you go. Beyond learning what to do each time, you’ll learn how to know what to do. In the end, an exam isn’t too different from an incident. In a limited time, with limited resources, (and a whole lot of stress), you’ll have to triage, diagnose, and solve novel problems put before you.
As you rise up to the challenges of each new course, you’ll build resilience. You’ll be able to adapt to the needs of each situation, and develop methods of preparing based on patterns you’ve seen. As you journey into your career, this resilience will be your strength. And trust us, when you combine your resilience with your teammates, processes, and incident management tools, you’ll be ready to ace every incident that comes your way.