Export Enterprise Reliability reports to keep your teammates in the loop

High-impact IT Operations groups are always on the lookout for opportunities to improve their product and process. Blameless Reliability Insights supports these teams by delivering key insights about infrastructure and team performance. Visualizing trends in data drawn from across your monitoring, observability, on-call management, ticketing, and incident management tooling. But in order for insights like these to effectively guide your engineering investments, they also need to be easily accessible and digestible for your business and technical stakeholders. Reliability Insights dashboards can now be easily exported as a PDF to share with colleagues via Slack, Microsoft Teams, email, or your own corporate portals like Confluence. This takes the pressure off your stakeholders to locate dashboards in Blameless and makes it easy for IT Operations leaders to keep their stakeholders up to speed.
Exporting dashboards on demand
Dashboards in Reliability Insights are highly customizable reports that can be used to examine incident and retrospective data against things like your team structure or service architecture. Each dashboard contains charts (tiles) and tables that can be customized to specific audiences like an individual engineering team, your executives, customer support representatives, etc.
To ensure the right Reliability dashboards make it to their intended audience for ad-hoc or end-of-month reporting, the owner of any given dashboard can export it directly as a PDF file by clicking on the 3 dots at the top right of the dashboard.
The generated PDF is a multi-page, well-formatted document, automatically downloaded to the folder your web browser uses to store any downloaded files. You can now choose to attach this PDF file to an email, Slack message, etc or also post it on one of your internal web portals.
Go try it yourself now, and see how your dashboard charts and tables are automatically and properly organized in the rendered PDF document, in the order they appear in your dashboard (left to right and top to bottom), with up to two charts per row, and with tables displayed after the charts, allowing all table rows to be printed. All pages are numbered, with the name of the dashboard as the title of the document and the date the document was generated, at the top of the first page.