Elevating Incident Management
Elevating Incident Management
Leveraging automation and AI to put incident response on auto pilot
If your company operates in a modern digital environment, then there’s a good chance questionable reliability is hurting you competitively. On the other hand, every hour your engineering team spends on operations comes at the expense of developing your product. So, what are you supposed to do?
The key is in establishing a more efficient, resilient incident response process. One that easily onboards new engineers, doesn’t force them to over invest and trouble shoots itself and your products over time. That might sound like science fiction but it is in fact the current reality of dedicated enterprise reliability tools like Blameless.
Join Blameless COO Ken Gavranovic, and Principal Solutions Engineer Nick Mason on October 26th at 10 a.m. PDT as they demonstrate how Blameless takes its users beyond simple management of on-call rotations or chat-opps, into a world of proactive reliability management and resilience engineering. They’ll explore all the things that set Blameless apart from popular paging or chat-ops solutions like: artificial intelligence, workflow automation, automatic data collection, streamlined communication, and enterprise security. Reserve your spot today!

Ken Gavranovic

Ken Gavranovic

Nick Mason